Saturday, March 25, 2006

New York, New York

Sorry this is way late , I'm an idiot, but whatever

So a couple weekends ago, which seemed like months ago I was fortunate enough to go to NY. This is not the first time nor is it the last that I have gone to New York. I used to actually go there almost once a year, but lately job has been more time consuming. Anyways flew to NY on a Friday afternoon with Al. Here are some pics of the weekend. They are really only of one day, but definitely show how we had a great time with the NY crew.

More pics here

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Woodworking Classes

I am taking a woodworking class right now and even though it is only the second class I am real excited and know I will learn a lot. The class is at the Chicago Bauhaus Academy in Rogers Park and is run by an old master craftsman from Germany named Berthold Schwaiger. I cant wait to be making things out of both metal and wood. The telephone table (pictured), which we make in the third course, looks even better in real life.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Frankie Flood

I just wanted to show these because they are the coolest pizza cutters I have ever seen. I have no info on them though except this little bit I could find on the internet about the person who made them, Frankie Flood

Monday, March 13, 2006

Saw Doctors

The Sawdoctors, a great Irish band, are playing this weekend and I am sure it will be amazing. I have seen them live a couple of times and have always been blown away by how much fun it is. Plus everyone will be in the St. Paddy's day spirit so I am sure the concert will be that much more exciting.

The Concert is on:

Sat, Mar 18, 06
8 pm

At the Vic

3145 North Sheffield

and tickets are $27.50

Forever Green

Hey this is a great party for St. Patricks day. It's at Navy Pier and will have live bands and lots of drinking. The proceeds also go to a good cause so you can feel good about the price, which is not that bad to begin with. I will be attending and hope you all can come too.

If you cant see anything just click on where the image is and it will download it.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

1982 - 1995

This was the criteria for the movies some friends and I rented over the weekend. We had been talking a lot about old classics the other day so we thought for the weekend and this week we would watch as many movie in between the years 1982 and 1995. This happens to be the time period of many of the greatest movies of all time. I mean there was Tom Cruise (the only good time for him), The Ghostbusters, Pee Wee Herman, ET, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I mean come on, you have to admit this was a better time.

So far I have watched:

Karate Kid 2
The Adventures of Baron Munchaussen (thanks to the Nondorfs that I even no what this is)

Next is:

Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Some Kind of Wonderful

Every movie so far has been just as good as I remeber it. Obviously, not done yet, but they only let you rent so many at a time. I know, I know... Neverending Story, it will all be watched I promise.