Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Tribute To Dan

Well as of the 1st Dan and Hilary are out of Chicago, Hilary to Dublin and Dan to Buffalo then Dublin. Dan was a friend of mine and the apartments since I moved in. I really will miss him. He was always a blast to hang out with. Dan was the first new person I met really moving into the apartment. I remember back when I was smokin cigs Dan before he even had met me knew I smoked, cause of the million cigarette butts in the trash, and taped a pack of camel lights to our door with a little note saying he got them at a bar, but doesn't smoke any more so he was giving them to me. Dan is a great soul and is a part of my history in that building so I am giving him a tribute through some funny pictures I have taken over the years. Have fun in Ireland Danny Boy, I'll miss you. I am grateful though of the fact that I now have an excuse to visit Ireland. Save me a spot on the couch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suppose it was meant to be that I didnt see this until I got to Ireland. Thanks for the shout out Lou, it's been real. Be in touch with more details of my adventure...

Danny Boy