Friday, July 27, 2007


Ok there is a little to much to talk about and I'm a little late so i will say a bit and then have to let the hundreds of pictures I took tell the rest of the story. First things first, I love Philly. This was my first time there and I did not know what to expect and I was blown away, blown away by the history, the layout, the diversity, the night scene, and the people of this city. Nothing, the whole time I was there, didn't make me want to just move there. I cant believe how strange it is to walk around and see buildings that are hundred and hundreds of years old, and yet inside them might be a new restaurant or a bar. I went to Philly a week early for my cousin Mike Gawlicks wedding, he married Erin Victory. Mike was nice enough to let me be in his wedding as a groomsman, that was a lot of fun, but I'm getting ahead of myself cause I was there a whole week just experiencing the city before the wedding, which by the way was great and went really well. When I got into Philly it was about 8 pm and I actually didn't have any clue as to where I was and or where I was going, I also didn't have a place to stay and no one to meet up with. The Nondorfs got in earlier that day, but were out to dinner and Erin's sister Joy did not get off work till 11 so in the airport I followed some signs that got me to a train it said it was going into the city so I hoped on it. I was kinda hoping like in Chicago, DC or even New York the last stop on the train would be in the heart of the city, turns out its not. So I missed my stop, but not that big a deal, easily recovered. After turning around I got of in the middle of what they call Center City (the heart of Philly). Hmmm... well then I just kinda wondered around with a tux, a bag of clothes and a backpack for awhile and tried to find maybe a bar or restaurant that looked inviting to just hang out in till either the Nondorfs were done with dinner or Joy got off of work. The problem was that not only did I not see anything to go into, but it actually all looked kinda shady and therefore caused me to keep walking, I ended up in Chinatown for a little while which was nice cause there I didnt feel like anything would happen to me. I really didn't mind any of this except that the bags where getting heavy and there is no real way to hold a tuxedo bag. Finally I saw a sign, which I later realized where all over the city, that pointed directions towards landmarks. Al had told me that the hotel and where they would be around was near Independence Hall so I followed the sign, which was just an arrow pointing up, but it made me feel better any ways. Little did I know that I was still kinda far away. Eventually wondering through the streets of Philly at night I was able to meet up with the Nondorfs right near Independence Hall and I realized that I was able to be in the same spot as the signing of the Deceleration of Independence on the 4th of July and I that this is exactly where I wanted to be for the next week. All this happening within only 2 hours of being in Philly. Ok all that was just an intro and I feel it was already to long so I am not really going to say much else except that Lorenzo's on South street was the best pizza and of all the steak sandwiches, Geno's, Pat's, Jim's Ishkabibbles and others, Ishkabibbles in its little pink open window storefront had the best sandwich. I did try the wiz, I didn't put gum on a tree, but I did see "the playground where I spent most of my days" and ran the rocky steps among many other things. The whole trip was unbelievable and I cant wait to go back. I'll have pictures in blogs below.

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