Monday, August 13, 2007

An Activity Day

Well I was feeling a little lazy lately, not really moving around that much this summer, so I planned an activity day. It actually turned out to not be the best day ever for it, but a good day none the less. So the plan was to go into Wilmette and pick up some bikes and cruise the North Shore. After a short ride we would then stop off at Gilson beach and jump in the lake for a swim and some kayaking. Then lastly a quick game or two of tennis. The day went really well and was a lot of fun I actually got to work out a little and not feel as shitty as I have been. Kayaking was a great time and was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be even in a some what calm Lake Michigan. After kayaking and swimming for awhile we grabbed a picnic in the Wallace bowl a little outdoor theatre in Gilson park that is actually a great place to see a play or even a little concert. Then a quick bike ride to dry off and we were off to tennis. This was somewhat new to me seeing as I have never really played tennis EVER, but it was a lot of fun. I knew tennis would be hard, but I didn't expect it to be as ridiculous as it was, trust me I need a lot of work. After all that a bike ride back home to find out that I also had a wedding that day and was late for it. In the end it was a great day with a crazy ending, but I cant wait to do it again. I highly suggest if anyone can get a hold of a kayak somewhere to give kayaking in the lake a try. Its a good work out and a lot of fun.

Just thought I would let you know what I did last weekend. Some more pics here

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